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Welcome to the latest edition of touchREVIEWS in Infectious Diseases, where we continue our mission to deliver insightful, cutting-edge perspectives in infectious disease diagnosis and management. This issue offers an array of topics spanning diagnostics, service delivery innovations and preventive care, reflecting the dynamic challenges and opportunities in our field. In our first editorial, Barbara […]

Larry Corey, HIVR4P 2021: The AMP Study – VRC01 Antibody Prevention of HIV

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Published Online: Mar 23rd 2021

touchINFECTIOUS DISEASES caught up with Larry Corey (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, US) to discuss VRC01 antibody prevention of HIV, and results from the AMP study.

The abstract entitled: ‘VRC01 antibody prevention of HIV’ (HY01.01LB) was presented at the HIVR4P Virtual Conference 2021, 27 January 2021.


  1. What is the rationale for the use of the VRC01 antibody in the prevention of HIV?
  2. What are the challenges in the use of broadly neutralizing antibodies in this indication, and how have they been overcome?
  3. How does VRC01 prevention efficacy vary with HIV-1 envelope amino acid sequence features?
  4. What is the status of research into other broadly neutralizing antibodies in the prevention of HIV?

Disclosures: Larry Corey has nothing to disclose in relation to this video.

Support: Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media. Interview conducted by Katey Gabrysch.

Filmed as a highlight of HIVR4P Virtual Conference 2021.

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