touchREVIEWS in Infectious Diseases is an international, peer-reviewed, free-to-access journal dedicated to the timely publication of review articles, original research, editorials and patient/physician perspective articles in the field of infectious diseases.
Established: January 2022 Frequency: Bi-annual Electronic ISSN: 2755-113X DOI:
Editor-in-Chief: Amesika Nyaku, Assistant Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, USA
Pre-submission enquiries: Please get in touch via email
Submit your article Instructions for Authors Editorial Board Latest issue Archive
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All articles published in touchREVIEWS in Infectious Diseases are digitally preserved in
Journal Information
Submission Timelines
touchREVIEWS in Infectious Diseases is a peer-reviewed, free-to-access, bi-annual journal specializing in the publication of balanced and comprehensive review articles written by leading authorities to address the most important and salient developments in the field of infectious diseases. The aim of these reviews is to break down the high science from ‘data-rich’ primary papers and provide practical advice and opinion on how this information can help physicians in the day to day clinical setting. Special reports, patient/physician perspective articles, editorials, case reports, and original research articles are also featured to promote discussion and learning amongst physicians, clinicians, researchers and related healthcare professionals.
Articles are independently commissioned by the journal’s Managing Editor following specialist advice from the Editorial Board, which features experts within infectious diseases. The Editor is always keen to hear from leading authorities wishing to discuss potential submissions. Please feel free to contact the Editorial Office with your proposal.
Touch Medical Media endeavours to publish unbiased, balanced reviews and studies and follow the publication guidelines as recommended by the ICMJE ( and in the Good Publication Practice guidelines ( All authors are asked to disclose personal, commercial, academic, and financial interests in the Disclosures section, along with any funding, financial support and medical writing assistance relating to the paper. All articles undergo a rigorous, double-blind peer review, conducted by at least two independent experts in the field to ensure articles are balanced, objective and relevant to the current clinical landscape. Please download our Instructions for Authors information for further details.
Pre-submission enquiries
The editor is always keen to receive pre-submission enquiries from prospective authors. Please contact the Editor with the article title and abstract for feedback.
Manuscripts can be submitted through the Editorial Manager site. If you are a new user, please follow the instructions to register.
On submission, all articles are assessed by the Editor, and where necessary a member of the Editorial Board, to determine their suitability for inclusion and appropriateness for peer review.
Touch Medical Media does not charge submission or article processing fees for submissions to this Journal.
Contributor guidelines
Authors should carefully read and adhere to the journal’s Instructions for Authors.
The documents below provide information for authors to complete the submission process:
Pre-submission checklist for authors
ICMJE Conflict of Interest form
touchREVIEWS in Infectious Diseases copyright agreement form
touchREVIEWS in Infectious Diseases aims to publish unbiased, balanced reviews and studies. Authors should adhere to the journal’s publication ethics and malpractice statement: Publication ethics and malpractice statement
Link to the latest good publication guidelines can be found below:
The journal welcomes authors to submit accompanying multimedia content. Please contact the Editorial office for more information.
Statement to authors and reviewers regarding COVID-19
We appreciate that, in this unprecedented and difficult time of world pandemic, many of you will be leading the response to COVID-19 and therefore any timelines you may have agreed to as a submitting author and/or peer reviewer are likely to be affected. Please contact the team if you have any issues or concerns – we are committed to being flexible and are happy to help however we can.
Peer Review
Articles undergo a strict, double-blind peer review, conducted by at least two independent experts in the field. Touch Medical Media has a strict policy against plagiarism. We use anti-plagiarism software including iThenticate to check all submissions before peer review.
Authors will be notified of the peer review decision through Editorial Manager within 3-4 weeks of submission.
The article proofs are prepared within 2 weeks of acceptance. The article is copyedited to house style and checked for grammatical error, then typeset to produce the page proofs. The editorial team will contact the author directly with the page proofs, which may include some minor editorial queries to address. The authors are asked to review and clearly annotate the page proofs with any corrections. Annotated page proofs should be returned to the editor, who will issue the final corrected proofs for approval.
Articles are published online ahead of publication before the journal issue is published. Journal issues are published bi-annually.
Submission deadline for Issue 1 2023: March 17 2023
Access and sharing
All articles are free-to-access for all members of the neurology community. Authors are encouraged to share their published article with colleagues and peers through social media.
Copyright and Licensing
Authors transfer the copyright of the article to Touch Medical Media, who publish the article as free-to-access
All manuscripts submitted to Touch Medical Media journals undergo double-blind peer review. The process aims to provide authors with objective feedback to improve their work and allows the editor to assess the paper’s suitability for publication in the journal.
Peer reviewers should carefully read and adhere to the instructions outlined in the document below. Please refer to these instructions before accepting to review a paper and throughout the review process.
Contact us
If your question is not addressed on these pages, then the journal’s editorial staff will be pleased to help.
Please contact via email