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Welcome to the latest edition of touchREVIEWS in Infectious Diseases, where we continue our mission to deliver insightful, cutting-edge perspectives in infectious disease diagnosis and management. This issue offers an array of topics spanning diagnostics, service delivery innovations and preventive care, reflecting the dynamic challenges and opportunities in our field. In our first editorial, Barbara […]

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Yvonne Bryson, CROI 2022: HIV-1 Remission with CCR5δ32δ32 Haplo-Cord Transplant in a US Woman – IMPAACT P1107 Study

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Published Online: Mar 1st 2022

HIV-1 cure has been reported in two men with HIV-1 and malignancy following CCR5δ32 homozygous allogeneic adult stem cell transplantation. Prof. Yvonne Bryson (David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA, and UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles, CA, USA) reports on a woman in ART-free HIV-1 remission for 14 months following CCR5∆32 homozygous cord blood and CD34-selected haploidentical stem cell transplant (haplo-cord SCT) for acute myeloid leukaemia. 

The abstract entitled: ‘HIV-1 Remission with CCR5δ32δ32 Haplo-Cord Transplant in A US Woman: IMPAACT P1107’ (Abstract #65) was presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) 2022 (Virtual), 12-16 February 2022.


  1. Could you give us a brief overview of the case of the woman who has achieved HIV remission after stem cell transplant? (0:09)
  2. What are the aims and design of the IMPAACT P1107 study? (1:43)
  3. What other study findings have been observed to date? (3:16)
  4. What are the implications of this case on HIV therapy? (4:08)
  5. What questions remain unanswered and what further research is planned? (5:17)

Disclosures: Prof. Yvonne Bryson has nothing to disclose in relation to this video interview.

Support: Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media. Interview conducted by Katey Gabrysch.

Filmed as a highlight of CROI 2022

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