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What is the key cause of treatment dissatisfaction for people with HIV in your care?

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Side effects
Pill burden
Risk of involuntary disclosure of HIV status
Need for daily administration


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What do you think is the biggest challenge in optimizing ART for your patients?

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Dealing with stigma or self-stigma
Comorbidities or coinfections
Drug–drug interactions
Socio-economic factors


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How confident are you  in selecting an appropriate ART regimen for your patients?

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Not confident
A little confident
Moderately confident
Very confident
Selecting ART regimen: Available options and how to navigate them
Shared decision-making: Working with people living with HIV to improve ART outcomes
Identifying treatment dissatisfaction in people living with HIV: When to revise ART regimen
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A relaxed discussion between two faculty focussed on real world clinical issues. Useful tips below will show how to navigate the activity. Join the conversation. Close

Selecting ART: Working with people living with HIV to find the best regimen

  • Select in the video player controls bar to choose subtitle language. Subtitles available in English, French, German, Spanish.
  • A practice aid is available for this activity in the Toolkit
  • Downloads including slides are available for this activity in the Toolkit
Learning Objectives

After watching this activity, participants should be better able to:

  • Compare antiretroviral treatment regimens and the implications these differences may have on patients
  • Appraise best practices for shared decision-making when selecting antiretroviral therapies
  • Assess the burden of antiretroviral treatment and the need to change regimen to optimize quality of life

In this activity, two HIV experts answer questions from healthcare professionals on how to navigate antiretroviral therapy (ART) options for people living with HIV. They discuss available ART regimens and criteria for treatment selection, best practices for shared decision-making and how to address treatment dissatisfaction.

This activity is provided by touchIME.

Target Audience

This activity has been designed to meet the educational needs of primary care physicians, HIV specialists, infectious disease specialists, genitourinary medicine specialists, specialist nurse practitioners and virologists involved in the management of HIV.


Dr Tristan Barber discloses: Advisory board or panel fees from Gilead Sciences, Janssen, MSD and ViiV Healthcare. Consultancy fees from Gilead Sciences, Janssen, MSD and ViiV Healthcare. Grants/research support from Gilead Sciences, Roche and ViiV Healthcare. Speaker’s bureau fees from Gilead Sciences, Janssen, MSD and ViiV Healthcare.

Dr Christoph Boesecke discloses: Advisory board or panel fees from AbbVie, Gilead Sciences, Johnson & Johnson, MSD, Pfizer and ViiV Healthcare. Consultant fees from AbbVie, Gilead Sciences, Johnson & Johnson, MSD, Pfizer and ViiV Healthcare. Grants/research support from DZIF, Hector Foundation, NEAT ID. Speaker’s bureau fees from AbbVie, AstraZeneca, Bavarian Nordic, Gilead Sciences, Johnson & Johnson, MSD, Pfizer and ViiV Healthcare.

Touch Medical Contributors

Adriano Boasso has no financial interests/relationships or affiliations in relation to this activity.

Date of original release: 15 August 2024. 

This activity is CE/CME accredited

To obtain the CE/CME credit(s) from this activity, please complete this post-activity test.

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  • Select in the video player controls bar to choose subtitle language. Subtitles available in English, French, German, Spanish.
  • A practice aid is available for this activity in the Toolkit
  • Downloads including slides are available for this activity in the Toolkit

Topics covered in this activity

HIV / Sexually Transmitted Infections / Viral Infections
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Selecting ART: Working with people living with HIV to find the best regimen

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