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How confident are you in testing for and managing ART resistance?

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Not confident
A little confident
Moderately confident
Very confident


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In the absence of specific contraindications, which initial ART regimen do you normally recommend?

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Three-drug: Two NRTIs + one INSTI
Two-drug: One NRTI + one INSTI
Three-drug: Two NRTIs + one NNRTI
Three-drug: Two NRTIs + one boosted PI


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How confident are you in describing the virology and life cycle of HIV?

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Not confident
A little confident
Moderately confident
Very confident
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Demystifying virology: The link between the HIV life cycle and ART

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Anne-Mieke Vandamme is a full professor in the medical faculty at the Katholieke Universiteit (KU) Leuven, in Belgium, where she also teaches evolutionary genetics and bioinformatics. She is the head of the Institute of the Future, a transdisciplinary research incubator at KU. read more

Prof. Vandamme and her team research the molecular epidemiology of HIV, HTLV, HCV and arboviruses; HIV and HCV drug resistance testing in clinical context; and bioinformatic tools. She has extensive and widely recognized expertise in molecular epidemiology and drug resistance. She has been participating in several European projects (currently ZIKAlliance and STEAM+), and supported the development of widely used bioinformatic tools: the Rega HIV drug resistance algorithm, the Rega HIV typing and subtyping tool and RegaDB. At the Institute of the Future, she coaches teams that incubate transdisciplinary research projects geared towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

She has authored more than 400 publications in international journals such as Lancet, Nature Medicine, Lancet Infectious Diseases, PNAS, Journal of Virology and Trends in Microbiology.

Prof. Anne-Mieke Vandamme has no interests/relationships or affiliations to disclose in relation to this activity.

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José Arribas is the head of the Internal Medicine Department at La Paz University Hospital and a professor of medicine at Autonoma University Medical School in Madrid, Spain. read more


Prof. Arribas is research director of HIV and infectious diseases at La Paz Hospital where his research interests include antiretroviral therapy, development of new antiretrovirals and emerging infectious diseases. Prof. Arribas is the former president of GeSIDA (Spanish group for AIDS research) and the former chair of the antiretroviral panel of the European AIDS Clinical Society. 

He is the author of more than 400 scientific papers, many of them clinical trial reports on antiretroviral therapy.

Prof. José Arribas Discloses:  Advisory board or panel fees from Gilead Sciences, Janssen, MSD and ViiV Healthcare. Consultancy fees from AbbVie, Gilead Sciences, Janssen, MSD and ViiV Healthcare. Grants/research support from ViiV Healthcare.

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Antonella Castagna is the head of the Infectious Diseases Clinic at Vita-Salute University, San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan, Italy. read more

Prof. Castagna’s research is focused on HIV therapeutic approaches, with particular attention to heavily pre-treated patients with multidrug resistant HIV infection. She is co-author of more than 500 scientific publications.

Prof. Antonella Castagna Discloses: Advisory board or panel fees from Gilead Sciences, Janssen-Cilag and MSD. Grants/research support from ViiV Healthcare.

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  • Select in the video player controls bar to choose subtitle language. Subtitles available in English, French, German, Spanish.
  • Downloads including slides are available for this activity in the Toolkit
Learning Objectives
  • Outline the virology of the HIV life cycle and how it is targeted by different antiretroviral therapies
  • Summarize the mechanism of action of current available antiretroviral therapies and the rationale for combining them
  • Discuss the risk of resistance to currently available antiretrovirals and strategies to monitor and manage resistance

In this activity, three HIV experts share their insights on the virology of HIV, the rationale for multidrug antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimens, the mechanisms by which ART resistance develops and how to manage it in people living with HIV.

This activity is provided by touchIME.

Target Audience

This activity has been designed to meet the educational needs of primary care physicians, HIV specialists, infectious disease specialists, genitourinary medicine specialists, specialist nurse practitioners and virologists involved in the management of HIV.


Prof. Anne-Mieke Vandamme has no interests/relationships or affiliations to disclose in relation to this activity.

Prof. José Arribas discloses:  Advisory board or panel fees from Gilead Sciences, Janssen, MSD and ViiV Healthcare. Consultancy fees from AbbVie, Gilead Sciences, Janssen, MSD and ViiV Healthcare. Grants/research support from ViiV Healthcare.

Prof. Antonella Castagna discloses: Advisory board or panel fees from Gilead Sciences, Janssen-Cilag and MSD. Grants/research support from ViiV Healthcare.

Touch Medical Contributors

Adriano Boasso has no financial interests/relationships or affiliations in relation to this activity.

Date of original release: 31 July 2024

This activity is CE/CME accredited

To obtain the CE/CME credit(s) from this activity, please complete this post-activity test.

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  • Select in the video player controls bar to choose subtitle language. Subtitles available in English, French, German, Spanish.
  • Downloads including slides are available for this activity in the Toolkit

Topics covered in this activity

HIV / Sexually Transmitted Infections / Viral Infections
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Demystifying virology: The link between the HIV life cycle and ART

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